Lola Valentine card

from $3.50

original ink & acrylic on white cardstock

size: 4.25 x 5.5 in

comes with brown envelopes

single card = $3.50

set of 6 = $18

description on back of card: whatever Lola wants, Lola gets. She's sassy, smart, sometimes unpolished, but always charming as hell. Lola hails from the Mission, donning Vivienne Westwood and a set of cat claws she got at the flea market. don't be fooled by her small stature; she may or may not have a tiny razor blade cradled in those sexy gnarled teeth. She's been 86'd from every local bar, usually because another bitch has encroached on her booster seat—or her stud—of the night. if you're bold enough to ask her out, just keep in mind: she's a picky eater, loathes small talk, and won't set foot on a beach.

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